The Future of Broadcast Concert Audio in Virtual Reality

Bring New Life to Your Performance

Fields is a prototype digital mixing console designed to process live immersive audio experiences for virtual reality deployment. Pan Individual sounds in any 360 direction using a powerful object based panning system while simultaneously providing presence with the integrated spatial room acoustics engine.

Fields sounds like nothing else you have ever heard in Virtual Reality. No more 2D audio or bad sounding point sources. Create natural sounding musical experiences that leave an impression.


Intuitive Layout

Designed to function like a standard mixing console. Mix engineers will be able to pick up the controls without reading a manual.

Up to 48 Channels of Control

Build complete festival patches with 48ch of processing. Equalization, compression, limiting, aux sends, 360 spatialization and more all at your fingertips.

Built in FX Engine

Purpose built effects designed to give you the creative tools needed to make something new.

Designed for Touch

Run it on a PC tablet or build out a custom setup with multiple touch screens.

Midi Control Integration

Program and control Fields with your favorite midi controller or connect it to your DAW to expand its capability's. Multiple simultaneous device support


The Next Generation Room Engine

IMCV 2.0 Is a next generation room acoustics simulation algorithm bringing powerful features you wont find in any other. Its deeply rooted into the entire software being able to dynamically track and modify itself based on each individual sound source position. This combined with measurements from well known concert halls creates very natural sounding environments.

2.0 introduces new control concepts like spatial attenuation shading, frequency shading, dynamic predelay, for both relative to object positions or statically in the room. This allows engineers to take advantage of perceptual separation so you can create extremely tight mixes while still keeping a significant amount of room energy.

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Field Control Groups

Field Control Groups are a extended / more powerful version of DCAs or VCAs. Control not only group attenuation but also object positions in a custom group panner with presets or float modifiers.

This allows for easy dynamic control of mixing environments. Combined with a midi controller, artists can have full control of their sound with simple fader adjustments that are already pre configured.

Versatile Configurations to Fit Every Event


Fields as a Complete Console

Use Fields as a complete all in one mix engine that includes everything you would need to fully run a broadcast. Equalization, dynamics, panning, FX, Mastering chain, and discrete decoding, all in one place.

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Fields as an External Panner

For shows that require higher channel counts or if you prefer physical controls, use Fields along side of a audio console or FX rack to deploy it with your preference of DSP. Fields can be configured as just a panner allowing it to handle more channels of audio.


Designed for VR Based off Extensive Research

What makes Fields different is its developed on a custom high resolution spatial encoding pipeline that's designed for recreating natural sound fields in virtual reality. It does not use VBAP like many theater formats where compromises have to be made due to physical limitations. In VR we can get away with a lot more and create "better than real life" sounding environments due to advantages like 0 time of flight between virtual sound sources and the listener.

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Broadcast Pipelines

Setting up a broadcast pipeline can be difficult and complicated. Included with Fields will be all the documentation you need to know to get started with your first stream. Fields was designed intended to work with audio over IP solutions like Dante and Waves Soundgrid. Using a single RJ45 connection you can pass hundreds of channels between Fields and industry standard equipment.

Homepage ARC (1)

Compatibility and Prefabs

The same streaming pipeline is used for Fields as ARC Upmix. The audio is down rendered to a standard 6ch format that's easily streamed from OBS into VR using a CDN solution like VRCDN. Once in the game engine, sounds sources just need to be placed in a specific manor to properly re create the sound field. Prefabs for easy drag and drop will be included. It is known working with VRChat, NEOS, and ChilloutVR


Tested reliable in multiple deployments

Fields has already been experimentally deployed into multiple events including Magfest 2023 and 2024 for stability testing. So far it has never crashed while deployed and been able to run a session more than 5 months without a restart. This actually makes it more reliable than some widely used industry recognized hardware!

Support the Project on Patreon


Immersive for the Masses

I want this to be one of the most accessible pieces of immersive audio software in the world. For every musician, producer, DJ, mix engineer, and artist, Lets build a new form of digital art. No proprietary file formats that require expensive licenses. No hardware locking of playback capability. No forced subscriptions.

The world of Immersive audio has barely been explored in VR. I want to give the community tools to push the boundaries of what's possible without a hefty price tag.

Fields is Currently Preparing for its First Beta Release

After the Magfest 2024 restreams are completed, the beta will be finalized and released. The best way to support getting this project released as fast as possible is through patron. If you have an event of interest or high regard that wants to test deploy it, contact me and lets have a conversation.

I plan on moving toward getting early stage Betas out as soon as I can, then slowly adding all the features as I go. This will allow for community feedback.